FNU Organizes 2020 Fuzhou Academic Conference of CSBMB


On December 25, the 2020 Fuzhou Academic Conference of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CSBMB), hosted by the CSBMB and organized by College of Life Science of FNU, was held on Qishan Campus. Li Lin, president of the CSBMB and academician of Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Sui Senfang, secretary of CSBMB Party Committee, vice president of CSBMB and academician of Tsinghua University, Academician Shao Feng, vice president of CSBMB and deputy director in charge of scientific research of the National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, Lin Shengcai, vice president of CSBMB and professor of Xiamen University, Xu Ruiming, vice president of CSBMB and director and fellow of Institute of Biophysics of CAS, Liu Xiaolong, vice president and secretary-general of CSBMB, and director and fellow of the Center of Excellence in Molecular Cell Science (CEMS) of CAS, Jiang Chengyu, executive deputy director and fellow of the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Chang Zengyi, chief supervisor of CSBMB and professor of Peking University, Ding Jianping, deputy secretary-general of CSBMB and fellow of CEMS of CAS, Dr. Sun Xiaoli, deputy secretary-general of CSBMB and a senior engineer, Dr. Ding Guangjin, founder of BioArt, and representatives of teachers and students of FNU attended the conference. FNU President Wang Changping delivered the opening speech. The conference was also broadcast online at the same time. The online broadcast attracted more than 15,000 viewers from all over the country.

At the conference, the six experts and scholars, Shao Feng, Lin Shengcai, Xu Ruiming, Chang Zengyi, and Prof. Ouyang Songying of College of Life Science of FNU and Prof. Chen Qi of the Biomedical Research Center of South China, made special reports on their latest research results respectively, entitled Pyroptosis and Anti-tumor Immunity, Glucose as a Messenger to Control Life, as Opposed to an Energy Carrier, Structural Basis of Drosha-DGCR8 Complex Catalyzing the Maturation of Primary MicroRNAs, Exploring Proteins in Living Cells: Uncovering a Transmembrane Translocon Supercomplex of the Regrowth-delay Body and ATP Synthase, The Ubiquitin System Weapon of Legionella Pneumophila, and DNA Demethylated Drugs Promote Anti-tumor Immunity through the cGAS-STING Pathway.


(Translated by Chen Bin / Reviewed by Xie Xiujuan )

