FNU Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Program Approved


A program for Master of Fine Arts jointly run by FNU and Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli (ABANA) was on the list of approved Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run programs of the first half of 2020 recently released by the Ministry of Education. Among the 32 programs approved, 5 were at the postgraduate level.

Students of this “2+1” cooperation program will receive diplomas from both FNU and ABANA after graduation. The approval of the project marks a breakthrough in FNU’s endeavor to enhance external cooperation. To date, FNU has had 7 programs of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools.

Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, founded in 1752, is one of the most time-honored and prestigious academies of fine arts in Italy and a world leader in fine arts education at postgraduate level.

(Translated by Qiu Sisong  Reviewed by Liang Li’e)

