Faculty of Education Holds Forum on Education Reform For Masters of Professional Studies Degree in the New Era


On October 25, Faculty of Education held a forum on education reform of Masters of Professional Studies Degree in the new era in Fuzhou. More than 90 participants attended the meeting, including Zheng Jiajian, vice president of FNU and head of Faculty of Education, officials of the Graduate School and Faculty of Education, directors of the four professional master's degree programs as well as representatives of the faculty and students, and experts from 43 different schools in the province.

Zheng Jiajian congratulated on the holding of the forum and briefly introduced the history, characteristics, development and achievements of graduate education in FNU and Faculty of Education. He pointed out that the forum focused on the reform of Masters of Professional Studies Degree in education, which will be well targeted at cultivating masters of professional studies degree in Faculty of Education. And he invited all present experts and scholars to express their insight into the reform and transform the fruitful outcome into ideas and measures to promote the education reform of masters of professional studies degree and the construction of teachers’ team.

Professor Wu Daguang, former vice president of Xiamen University, was invited to give a lecture entitled Being a Good Tutor and Cultivating a Good Student: ‘the Way of education’ for Scholars, in which he explained the connotation and formation of the concept of being a good tutor, a good student, and a good curriculum from these three aspects. He resonated the participants with lots of quotations and profound thoughts during the warm and content-rich lecture.

The forum also held a ceremony to appoint off-campus instructors for Masters of Professional Studies Degree of Faculty of Education. More than 50 front-line experts and teachers from universities, primary and secondary schools were appointed as off-campus practice instructors for graduate students of four professional degrees of Faculty of Education, including education management, primary education, pre-primary education and modern education technology.

                (Translated by Zeng Lu/Reviewed by Chen Fang)
