CFL Holds Sharing Meeting of NSSFC Project Application Experience


On October 10th, the sharing meeting of the National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) project application experience, one of Party day series activities -- Advancing Teaching and Research under the Party Leadership, was held by College of Foreign Languages (CFL) in the Lecture Hall of Shao Yifu Science Building. More than 100 people attended the meeting. They included college leaders, teachers and postgraduate students, both masters and doctors.  

The meeting was hosted by the FNU Party Committee, the Journal of Foreign Language and Literature studies, the Academic Construction and Platform Office, and the Teaching and Research Office, and co-organized by the second and the third Party branches of the faculty. The meeting aimed to promote the combination of Party construction with teaching and research, to create an excellent academic environment and to increase cooperation among teachers, thus to further develop the college.

Dean Ge Guilu said at the opening ceremony that the primary-level Party branches are the core force to promote the work of the college, and attaining NSSFC projects are important parts of the colleges academic research and education. Sharing the application experience of NSSFC project through Party day activities improves academic culture, which is of great significance to the colleges academic research, teaching and discipline construction.

At the meeting, eight teachers who had established NSSFC projects in recent years shared their experiences from different perspectives. These targeted, practical experiences won unanimous praise of the teachers and students attending the meeting.

(Translated by Chen Bin/ Reviewed by Chen Fang)
