2021 International Conference on Sport History and Culture Held in FNU


On December 3rd, the 2021 International Conference on Sport History and Culture was held in Fujian Normal University. The event was jointly sponsored by The Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture of Taylor & Francis Group, Fujian Normal University and Asia-Pacific Association of Sport Studies and organized by the College of Physical Education and Sport Science of FNU and co-organized by the Institute of Olympic Studies and Research of Shanghai University of Sport. Prof. Huang Hansheng, member of the Discipline Development Strategy Advisory Committee of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, former president and former Communist Party secretary of FNU, attended the opening ceremony. Ms. Alejandra Black, portfolio manager of Journals of Sport, Leisure and Tourism of Taylor & Francis Group, Mr. Jason Hu, senior vice president of Taylor & Francis Group and head of Researcher Services and Networks, Prof. Ian Henry from Loughborough University, editorial board member of The Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture, Prof. Chen Qinghua, vice president of FNU, addressed the conference on behalf of the respective co-sponsors. More than 200 delegates and guests attended the meeting online and offline.

The theme of the conference was Key Issues in Comparative Analysis of Asian Sport, and 18 prominent scholars from 11 countries and regions were invited to give the main reports at the conference. The academic committee of the organizing committee selected over 330 papers from nearly 500 papers submitted for exchange through thematic reports and wall newspaper.


(Translated by Chen Wei/ Reviewed by Liang Lie)

